
Basic Tax Things That an Accountant Will Require From You


Every citizen is required to file their annual tax returns on time. If you skip or forget to file, you'll earn a hefty penalty. However, tax returns are complicated and require a lot of attention. Some businesspeople lack time to handle these tax matters due to their busy schedules.  If you are in any of these predicaments, you need the assistance of tax agents. A tax agent handles all your tax issues, enabling you to concentrate on other important matters of your business.

19 March 2021

Are You Accounting for All of Your Fringe Benefits?


Do you feel as if you pay more than your fair share of taxes? In Australian society, there certainly seems to be a tax for everything, and you may feel as if you are constantly contributing to the public pot. If you're a small business owner, then you will have your work cut out to account for your taxation and may even consider yourself to be an unpaid collector. Yet you can still overlook a particular return if you're not careful, and this is related to benefits that you may provide 'in-kind'.

14 June 2019

What Are Some of the Key Issues You Need to Consider before Setting up Your Own Business?


An increasing number of people across Australia are planning to forsake the 9-to-5 grind and set themselves up with their own business venture. This is a very important part of the Australian economy and can provide plenty of opportunity to the enterprising individual. While there are exciting times ahead if you choose this path, you have to ask yourself some very serious questions first. Otherwise, you could make some key mistakes that could cause issues down the road.

9 October 2017

Tips for Staying on the Right Side of the Line Between Tax Planning and Tax Avoidance


Tax planning refers to legitimate measures you can take to lower your tax liability. As a savvy taxpayer, you should use tax planning schemes. However, it's important to ensure you don't accidentally or purposefully use tax avoidance methods instead. How can you ensure that you are taking the right approach? Learn more about tax services and take a look at these tips. 1. Track Business Expenses Carefully If you run a business or are self employed, you need to be sure that you only deduct business expenses from your business income and that you don't include personal expenses.

26 April 2017

Property Obsolescence and Taxation: Ways You Can Utilize Obsolescence for Tax Savings


Over time property tends to increase or decrease in value based on factors such as maintenance, additions, upgrades, and the market climate. Obsolescence occurs when the value of a property goes down due to these or other factors. Property owners can take advantage of obsolescence to lower their taxes and realize some savings. Here are some insights on the types of obsolescence that you should look out for in your commercial property and the ways you can leverage them to generate tax savings.

20 December 2016